IR Blocking Inks
H. W. Sands’ series of IR Blocking Screen Printing Inks are unique in that theystrongly absorb in the Near IR region of 800nm -1000nm and transmit a highpercentage of light in the visible spectrum (400nm - 700nm). These inks have beenspecially formulated for the production of translucent transaction cards to meet theinfrared wavelength range requirements of the ISO/IEC 7810:2003 specification fortransmission density (O.D.) of 1.3 from 800nm – 950nm and 1.1 from 950nm - 1000nm. Transaction cards printed with these inks, in accordance with the guidelinesherein, should perform properly in ATM machines and other readers possessing IRsensors to detect the presence of the card.These inks are similar in structure and body to conventional solvent screen inks;however, the highly technical dyes used in their production necessitate specialconsideration in their storage and use. While each screen printing operation has itsown differences and nuances, H. W. Sands IR Blocking Screen Inks are formulated towork around these differences. This bulletin outlines procedural guidelines that shouldbe followed to obtain the optimum, desired results.
Application Suggestions
IR blocking inks must be printed and dried in a clean environment. Always be surethat the screens, squeegees, knives, spatulas, or any other equipment that comes intocontact with the IR blocking inks are clean and dry, completely free of all solvents orother matter. In addition, the sensitivity of the IR blocking inks to UV light and hightemperatures and specific chemicals should always be considered.
These inks are similar in structure and body to conventional solvent screen inks; however, the complex dyes used in the inks have special requirements for storage and use. While each screen printing operation has its own differences and nuances, H. W. Sands IR Blocking Screen Inks have been formulated to work with the widest range of production equipment. Two of the most popular Neutral IR Blocking Inks are the following:
MSD4800 - Neutral Tan NIR Blocking Ink for Silk Screen
MSK4844 - Light Grey NIR Blocking Ink for Silk Screen
MSD4800: Neutral/Tan NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSK4844: Neutral/Light Grey NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSC4812: Blue-Green NIR Blocking Printing ink for Silk Screen
MSC4816: Plum NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSD4833: Royal Blue NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSC4834: Twilight Blue NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSD4870: Deep Lime NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSD4829: Magenta NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSC4830: Vivid Cerise NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSC4826: Light Peach NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSC4841: Strawberry NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSC4861: Light Red NIR Blocking Solvent Ink for Silk Screen
MSB6720: Yellow IR Blocking Screen Ink (Formulated for two passes with 230 mesh)
MSH3600: IR Blocking Screen Printing Ink covering 800-1000nm (Yellow/Green Tint)